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Music is always important in a Cathedral School and at Hereford Cathedral School is generously provided for in the school's timetable. All 1st, 2nd and 3rd formers receive two music periods a week, and Music is offered in the 4th and 5th years at GCSE. Music and Music Technology are offered at AS and A level, the courses often being tailored to the specific needs of the individual student. Pupils are prepared for the Oxbridge awards, and the school has an impressive record of organ and choral scholarship at Oxford and Cambridge.

Many pupils enter for Associated Board Practical examinations, and a large number take theory exams. The Members of the Music Department are responsible for accompanying candidates in practical examinations, and helping with aural training. Classes are given each week in the Rudiments and Theory of Music in preparation for Theory examinations.

Practical Music

Practical music making is a feature of the Cathedral School. It is expected that instrumentalists will join one of the school’s orchestras or bands. The Chamber Choir gives regular recitals around the County, and has appeared in the television final of a national competition.

The Concert Band was recently in the national final of the Wind Band Competitions at the Royal Northern School of Music. The Symphony Orchestra currently meets at Monday lunchtimes and Thursday after school, and other instrumental ensembles also meet weekly such as the String Orchestra, Junior String Orchestra, Concert Band, Junior Orchestra and Junior Band. A variety of chamber music groups meet during lunch breaks, after school, and on Tuesday afternoons. There are also numerous junior and senior recorder consorts and the Gilbert Consort (a mediaeval music group) meets periodically. Middle and Lower School choirs, with the Chamber Choir, sing occasional services in the Cathedral and around the Diocese. Musicals, by both senior and junior schools, are regularly performed.

Instrumental Lessons:

Individual weekly lessons, usually of 30 minutes duration, are offered in all orchestral instruments, organ, piano, harpsichord, guitar and singing. Lessons take place in pupils’ free time, or in school time on a rotation basis; thus music lessons should not detract from a pupil’s other studies. Instrumental pupils are required to practice regularly, and a timetable is organised for the younger pupils. Well over 300 girls and boys receive music tuition at the present time.

Music Department Staff

Director of Music: Mr. D.R. Evans, M.A., G.B.S.M
Assistant Director: Mr N.R. Moore, B.Mus. L.T.C.L.
Cathedral Organist: Mr G.R.L. Bowen, M.A., Mus.B., F.R.C.O.
Assistant Cathedral Organist: Mr P. Dyke, M.A., F.R.C.O., L.T.C.L.
Choristers’ Welfare: Mrs C.L. Bowen, M.A., L.R.A.M.
Instrumental Staff:

Mr G. Adams, F.L.C.M., L.T.C.L., oboe
Mrs S. Aston, A.R.C.M., violin and viola
Mrs C.L. Bowen, M.A., L.R.A.M., voice
Mr G.R.L. Bowen, M.A., MusB., F.R.C.O., organ
Mrs H. Bulmer, M.A., piano

Mrs R. Davies, B.Mus., piano
Mrs H. Davis, L.R.A.M., violin
Mr P. Dyke, M.A., F.R.C.O., L.T.C.L., organ and piano

M. S. Essenhigh, A.G.S.M., trumpet
Mr D. Etheridge, double bass and music technology
Mr G. Ewart, L.T.C.L., violin

Dr. C.A.H. Fisher, B.A., M.R.C.P., M.R.C.G.P., recorder

Mrs K.A. Fisher, B.A., A.R.C.M, piano, recorder, violin and music theory
Mrs R. Griffiths, B.A., L.G.S.M., clarinet
Mrs H. Hammond, ‘cello
Ms S. Heins, Dip.T.C.L., violin and viola

Mrs K Hill, G.T.C.L., L.T.C.L., piano
Mrs C. Howell, G.R.S.M., L.R.A.M., piano
Mr M. Lane, B.A., F.R.C.O., L.T.C.L., piano
Miss E. Lawrence, G.R.S.M., A.R.C.M., L.R.A.M., A.R.C.O., flute and piano
Mr N.R. Moore., B.Mus., L.T.C.L., clarinet, saxophone and voice
Mr F. O'Neil, B.A., L.T.C.L.
Ms L. Richardson, B.Mus., guitar

Mr I. Russell, lower brass
Mrs K. Soulsby, A.R.C.M., bassoon
Mrs A. Wessel, L.G.S.M., flute
Mrs J. Williamson, G.B.S.M. voice

CrestHeadmaster | Mr Paul Smith B. Sc. | Hereford Cathedral School, Old Deanery, Cathedral Close, Hereford, HR1 2NG | 01432 363522 | email: